The other day I had a client ask me if I had found my “work home” yet. I thought about it for a moment and then shook my head “no.” The thought that came up was that I was not sure that would ever be possible. Even if I stay in one location for an extended period of time, I am still ever changing.
Identifying a Vicious Cycle
So many ideas about my work for this life keep popping up over and over again. There are way to many ideas and not enough time. My client asked me if that was challenging. Of course it is challenging! That would be an understatement!
I get so excited that I fringe on impatient. And – as soon as I pause, even for a second, a whole new idea comes in.
Where I run into the most trouble is when I feel pressure to implement ALL of the ideas at once. In my (very near) past I have been going at my ideas with the attitude of “I have to do this RIGHT NOW!” It feels good and it feels right. THIS is the idea that will keep me on my path.
I plan, I do, I overbook myself and then it is just too much to handle. Every waking second of my day is now tasked. Stress takes over any joy in launching my ideas into reality. Enjoyment still exists, but amidst the busy there is little room to sit and relish in actual joy.
Lets not forget about guilt too – if I happen to not set an idea into motion in an ideal amount of time disappointment creeps in. Next, I want to quit EVERYTHING.
And, so, the vicious cycle begins.
Inspiration becomes Excitement becomes Motivation becomes Reality Check becomes Stress becomes Exhaustion becomes Failure.
Combating the Vicious Cycle
There is good news! After struggling and suffering for quite a long time I have found a way to take some of the monkey-mind burden off of myself. I still feed my creative process but I do it in a way that is full of self love and acceptance.
I realize that some of my amazing ideas will shine immediately. Also, some will have to be shelved for the future. And, though it is hard to admit, some ideas will just stay ideas.
I would NEVER suggest squelching an idea. Instead – I write.
Every day I take a few minutes to write every single idea that comes down on paper. Here is the ticket – I write as if that idea is happening NOW, in present tense.
This commitment keeps the invitation for creative flow open and as constant as my brain and spirit seem to need it to be. Nothing is denied and there is permission for nothing to HAVE to happen too! I am leaving the door for opportunity and people to enter my life wide open. Who knows where tomorrow will take us!
Here, in this place, I have let go of frustration and embraced ease. Such a better way to live!
My vicious cycle centered on stress in a busy yet never finishing things through the end type of lifestyle. It was my creative process that suffered. But – this cycle can show up anywhere – jobs, relationships, habits we want to eliminate – the list goes on! What vicious cycle are you attempting to alchemize into ease today?
If you would like some assistance in prioritizing ease in body, mind, emotions and Soul, Melanie can help! Contact her to discuss changes that could occur in just 12 short weeks!

Melanie A. Wood-Scureman, MA, LMT, PRYT-P, owner and founder of Soul Ease Massage and Mind Body Therapy, is an intuitive mentor and massage therapist with a background in psychology, health, and wellness.
You probably don’t recall but this is very close to what I was told during my first reading….hahahaha
How long ago was your first reading again? I do not remember details but I am starting to see a trend – both in about being busy and about grief – over the past 2 years. It is interesting.
AND! I guess that there are parts of me that need these lessons too!