I was recently asked to type out some answers to some questions for an interview. I wanted to share this with you because it ended up being an amazing list of benefits from working with me individually in my Revive & Thrive: The Ultimate Soul Inspired Self-Care Package™ program! I got excited about just how many benefits were reported by the time it was all said and done. It is my hope that YOU get excited too!
How long have you been doing what you do, and how did you become a Mind-Body Therapy Practitioner?
Oh, life hands it to us, doesn’t it? To answer this question, it’s probably best that I share with you a defining moment from way back when that brought me to where I am today – working with people just like you on exactly what to do to accelerate their healing through alternative self-care modalities. That defining moment in my life happened in 2004 while I was working in an Emergency Department. (How appropriate – I was in a crisis state myself!)
At the time, I was battling a slew of my own health problems all related to stress including – an annoying digestive disorder and on again – off again depression and anxiety. The long shifts in the ER seemed to exacerbate my health issues, causing even more stress and sleepless nights on top of my physical illnesses. I was also a single mom to an infant, in and out of that next best relationship that would save the day and never did, and living in a chaos created by destructive coping patterns I learned from having some pretty traumatic childhood and teenage years. I had hopes of learning how to do self-care and even “went to the gym” every now and then, but found it horribly challenging to stay consistent. I had absolutely no idea about how to make myself and my care a priority.
What I did know though was that I needed a change.
Fortunately, through a very dear friend, I discovered yoga and began practicing. Immediately, I felt my body purging old, yucky energy I had been carrying around since childhood. This was truly my first taste of awareness of doing something good for myself at a more than superficial level. I was operating from a place I would later discover was my “Higher Self,” – or from a Soul perspective! The sensation was so transformational that I knew I had to share it with others. So, I obtained my certification to teach yoga, which eventually led to yoga therapy, which led to a Masters Degree in Transpersonal (Spiritual) and Somatic (Body) Psychology, which led to even more (a stack of!) certifications in other holistic modalities, including Reiki, Medical Intuition, Akashic Records Practitioner and Licensed Massage Therapy.
With each certification, I felt compelled to teach what I had learned. (Dang teacher archetype!) I became a yoga teacher, a yoga therapy mentor, a psychology teacher in both an Associates and Masters Degree level institutions, a science teacher at the massage school and of course, I have written my own workshops to offer to the community.
This led to the creation of Soul Ease Massage and Mind Body Therapy, where I offer not only massage, but a variety of mind/body modalities and online courses. In a nutshell, clients come in feeling fragmented and I help put them back together where they need it the most – body, mind AND spirit.
Since this whole process began, I’ve worked with many private clients, spoken in front of countless groups AND I am well on my way toward creating my dream retreat center to help committed individuals detox their mind and body and reset their lives.
In the meantime, I have created Revive & Thrive: The Ultimate Soul Inspired Self-Care Package™, a 12 week long program designed for you to first – connect or reconnect to your Soul and then:
- Take an honest look at all aspects of your life – body, mind, career, creativity, relationships, communication and more and improve upon ALL of them – while taking a concentrated look at the areas where you are confident you both need a change and WANT to change
- Discover the areas you feel good about, the areas you find challenging, the areas that you want to keep the same, the areas that you would like to make different – either expanding on or removing obstacles once and for all
- Take action! Throughout the whole program learn to set appropriate intentions and act on them immediately in a way that will boost your current life
- Approach each thought, each desire, each challenge from an authentic place with the guidance and help from an intuitive mentor – I am here to hold you accountable and offer compassionate support
If I could say one thing I would say:
“You – you who was once on top of the world and now wants some help finding your way back to that glorious place on all levels – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually – do not hesitate to apply to this program.”
YOU deserve to experience:
- Increased personal and professional competency
- Resilience in life’s challenges and opportunities
- Clear communication skills
- Improved relationship with self and community
- Confidence and self-worth
- Stress management and reduction skills
- Creative intention setting AND follow through
- Access to your Soul’s perspective
- Awareness of your authenticity
- Ability to see humor in situations
- Connection and growth with others
- Laughter and joy
And – BEST OF ALL – You deserve to FEEL better!
Who are your clients?
I work with people just like you who are committed to living the best life they can. Maybe you got a little bit side tracked. Maybe life showed up in a way that you do not quite feel in control anymore. You were there once and now you are READY to take your life back NOW.
Who is this program for?
- You are a working class hero who knows it is in your best interest to put your cape away once in a while and take care of YOU.
- On top of having a job that you committed to you are also mom or dad who has devoted your life to packing lunches, wiping noses and giving hugs – and now you KNOW you have more purpose to fulfill.
- On top of having to deal with the outside world on a daily basis, you also had something happen to your heart or your body and you realize the habits you created to protect and resist the resulting pain just have to go – but how?
- You realize there is is a need for profound changes in your life. We’re not talking about the kind of change that happens because they’re out of your favorite kind of coffee at the drive-thru. This is fundamental transformation. The kind that sticks. YOU have that capacity to transform.
- You have dreams, you have ambition, you have motivation – you just have to find it. You are willing to tap into your Soul level intuition (even if you have no idea how!) and commit to a mentored program.
What makes you different from other Mind Body Therapists?
Although we will occasionally touch upon “stories from the past”, what you really have is me as a confidence and authenticity expert. I believe there are layers of you that go beyond living in your wounds. Those wounds – the unhappy, dissatisfied, never feeling like enough – are NOT your whole TRUTH. I work on the inner and outer principles for success and look at YOUR life and YOUR goals from an organic and spiritual perspective. What that means to you is that you get a wise-sage-meets-kick-butt authentic mentor. I’m also very spiritual; I have done and am doing the work alongside you and I don’t pretend to hide it. I can promise, you’ll always get a straight to the point and honest response from me.
I believe there are layers of you that go beyond living in your wounds.
I’m concerned with how to get you to a point where you are moving beyond your wounds and stories from the past that are no longer serving you. This is in both speech and action. (Do you remember the song lyric: “A little less talk and a lot more action?”) Discovering and admitting your truth may be difficult, but getting to the root of the matter is the only way affirmative and sustainable action and change toward those positive new habits can take place. Don’t worry – I am not always an empathetic hardass; I throw in a healthy dose of humor and inspiration, which always helps!
What type of personality do you work best with and what is expected of me?
Revive & Thrive: The Ultimate Soul Inspired Self-Care Package™ program was created for people who are absolutely excited and dead serious about revamping and enhancing every single aspect of themselves – those who want true and lasting change so that they feel like they are living their best life.
This does not mean there will not be challenge. You will have the tools to meet challenges head on and know a whole new strength exists for you on the other side. It means not running around all day long, beating yourself up anymore saying: “I wish” or “Why me?” This program has been created for you to put systems in place within a few months (sometimes weeks!), which will eventually lead you to bringing what seemed so out of reach into reality – a healthy, strong, empowered version of YOU!
I am a seeker – forever a student – so I’m known to work best with other seekers: people who are committed to their success no matter what, who are super-ready to get going and just want to know exactly what steps to take to learn all about the brilliant person who exists underneath the layers that need to be shed. My clients often tell me – “just tell me what to do and I’ll do it!” You will be expected to take serious and consistent action – that is the only way these changes can occur! No excuses, denying yourself, justifications, or anything like that – anymore. Open yourself to very different way of thinking and know you have full support while you achieve all of your incredibly exciting self- care goals.
Please know I’m very selective in who I work with, choosing to (gently) turn away people who aren’t suited for my programs and won’t get the results for which they would have signed up for, because it wouldn’t be fair to them. I work within my scope of practice. Revive & Thrive: The Ultimate Soul Inspired Self-Care Package™ program is NOT for those who are in crisis or those who are dealing with the challenge of addiction. I am happy to refer you to a professional who is equipped to serve you best. I do invite you to stay in touch though! There is information and continued community support on the Soul Ease Facebook Page and the groups within. Let’s revisit working together in the future after you have started working toward your goals with a specialized professional!
For what type of individuals are your programs NOT going to work?
This is hard to say because I truly want to help everyone, but it has to be said.
Another type of personality Revive & Thrive: The Ultimate Soul Inspired Self-Care Package™ won’t work for (without exception) are those that are skeptical, excuse driven (I get that we have things that happen in life – but let’s look at those things and why they are distracting you from being your BEST version of yourself!) and those who challenge every aspect of the program vs. trusting the process.
This is a program with techniques that have worked for ME and clients I have had in the past. I understand that they will not work for everyone. If you are one of these people, I gently and respectfully ask that you not call and I hope you understand why. I wouldn’t want you to waste your time or money. Is that fair?
How often do you take new clients?
I try to fit everyone interested in working with me in ASAP! Sometimes there is a week or so waiting period while another client completes a 12 week program (I do not want to shortchange anyone when it comes to time and money invested), but generally, I can make time for those who are willing to commit to their journey.
I’ve heard A LOT about benefits from working with you. What exactly is Revive & Thrive: The Ultimate Soul Inspired Self-Care Package™ program and what does it include?
Revive & Thrive: The Ultimate Soul Inspired Self-Care Package™ is a 12 week program that begins with understanding your true value, where your power really comes from, how to access your Soul’s help to manifest what you authentically want into your life, and how to create powerful intentions that get you results AND lead to a snowball effect of positive action!
The three main components in this program are:
- Learn to deepen your spiritual connection to access Soul Guidance through the Akashic Records. This will help you sift through old stories and find your Authentic Purpose in this life.
- Step by step support and guidance for changing your mindset toward letting go of limiting habits, thoughts and behaviors.
- Design and BEGIN a Self-Care plan so you are operating as your physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritual optimum self – necessary to carry out that Authentic Purpose!
Here’s a little more about what the program gets you to do:
- Look at your physical and mental self care initiatives and set intentions to enhance this area.
- Explore your relationship with your physical body.
- Acknowledge and face what is holding you back from any development you desire.
- Cultivate personal qualities and characteristics you have always wanted to have.
- Redefine resilience in your own life and build upon resilience skills
- Be honest about sustainability vs. depletion in your energy and habits
- Learn compassionate communication – both with others and in “self talk”
- Become aware of the way you show up in community – personally (relationships), professionally, and/or creatively. Create a plan of action around the way you WANT to show up.
- Implement self motivation
- Find inner wisdom through Soul perspective and learn to rely on that guidance
- Recognize transformations in your life that YOU create every step of the way
What is my time commitment?
For 12 weeks you will receive a “week at a time” of digital journal assignments to complete. These ask you to be honest with yourself and write what is truly happening for you. This is also the place where you acknowledge your intentions, affirmations, dreams, challenges and transformations. I like to say that you get out of these what you put into them. Some clients spend an hour per week on them and others an hour per day.
You will have the support of 6 hour-long private sessions with me, Melanie, a once per week Soul Inspiration group planning meeting to help you set your intentions for the week ahead and a once per week Q&A and group share meeting that you can participate in throughout the 12 weeks of your program. These will be done via Zoom so you can access all 30 support meetings anywhere where Internet or cell service is available! All 6 private sessions will be prearranged and in the calendar as commitments before we even begin. (We decide together on dates/times that work for both of our schedules.) If you miss the group meetings you will have access to a recording.
Social media makes it possible to build a wonderful community of support. You can choose to engage in the Revive & Thrive Facebook Group to your hearts desire and will sometimes be asked to do assignment shares with the group and other participants.
Does this really work?
Yes! The result of our work is an approach to shifting your mindset and acting on the forward momentum from every bit of action opportunity for REAL and LASTING CHANGE that comes your way! Check out my testimonials page to see what some of my clients are saying!
What results can I expect?
The list is so long, but here is some more of what I have heard from past clients!
- Have big breakthroughs and ah ha moments
- Experience health benefits
- Live with so much less stress
- Let go and release trauma in the body, mind and spirit
- Forgive & find more peace and compassion
- Anxiety dissipates and peace and calm sets in
- Create new standards for yourself
- Fill your energetic gas tank & learn how to self-nurture
- Reach for your passions in life (and touch them!)
- Discover your authentic self
- Feel empowered & excited about the future
- Fall back in love with yourself
- Breakout in creativity
- Vibrate as a loving being, and become truly unconditionally loving with all your relationships (even the most intense ones that normally trigger you)
- Develop more compassion for yourself and others
- Be clear concise and honest in your communication
- Create healthy boundaries
- Have more ease and grace in your life
- Truly love the version of yourself that shows up to play this game called life
- Learn how to say NO and honor your yes and no’s – boundaries!
- Find your happiness
- Watch your best life unfold with ease
- Connect with your intuition
- Create DEEP intimacy and meaning in your personal relationships
- Understand how your soul is awakening and developing
- End the drama cycles and patterns
- Raise your self-esteem and self confidence
- Rewrite your story
- Open your heart and expand into your TRUE being
- See your relationships as mirrors and open channels for transformation
- Gain unshakeable confidence in yourself – (a lot of my clients tell me that is worth the investment alone).
- Learn proven techniques for releasing your internal resistance and self-sabotaging tendencies so you can take action and start living your passion and purpose with ease.
- Work smarter at life, not harder
- Stay accountable to all of your goals and achieve them
- Implement techniques so you consistently can finally stop struggling, for good.
How quickly can I expect results?
That depends on how quickly you can make those inner shifts. Some clients are ready to go and sense transformation in a very short time frame, sometimes even a few weeks while others have a bit more work to do first. It also depends on your willingness to show up and stick with the process even when it gets vulnerable and challenging.
How can I guarantee myself that I will see transformation in record time?
Do all of your homework. Be totally committed to your success. Understand that this is a process, a proven one, that works if you take action and implement all of the steps. All my clients who have diligently applied every step of my programs have successfully become more than they ever thought they could be, in much less time than they would have on their own AND have a long lasting community of support and friendship as an added reward.
Melanie, based on everything I’ve read and heard about you, I know you’re the one I want to learn from. What are my options for getting started with you?
Congratulations on making a decision for success! I’m happy to work with you to achieve your transformational Self Care goals. The best way to work with me is in my 12 week program: Revive & Thrive: The Ultimate Soul Inspired Self-Care Package™
OK, I’m ready to do this for myself, but I have a couple of additional questions. Can I call you?
Good, sounds like you’re ready to be pulled into your future!
Yes, if you have a couple of questions, just email me at melanie@souleasemassage.com or call/text me at 607-591-2302 and I’ll be happy to walk you through the different options to see which one will be the very best for you.
I can’t wait to see you succeed and am honored to be the one to help you. Let’s get going!
With so much warmth,

Melanie A. Wood-Scureman, MA, LMT, PRYT-P, owner and founder of Soul Ease Massage and Mind Body Therapy, is an intuitive mentor and massage therapist with a background in psychology, health, and wellness.