Can you guess what I share with these clients each time the topic of self care comes up?
The TRUTH of the Matter is: YOU CAN Create a Sustainable Self Care Plan!
But, alas, there are some other Truths about self care to think about first.
- Where is feels AMAZING to do this once in a while, you laying on a beach with a big floppy hat, sunscreen and a margarita is not self care. That is vacation.
- Self care is not exclusive to taking care of your body with exercise and diet or getting a massage once per year. A plan includes mindset, emotional inquiry, lifestyle and spiritual aspects too. These ALL work hand in hand and you cannot have meaningful success without at least touching upon all aspects that make you a whole person.
- The time investment for self care extends beyond 5 minutes of meditation, or an hour of”working out.” Sustainability means making yourself a priority all of the time – asking yourself if you are putting your best interests first in all of your decisions and interactions.
So, Then, What Exactly Should My Self Care Plan Look Like?
Here are four foundations to your plan to keep in mind.
- Where it is wonderful to learn new things, your self care plan stays in alignment with your belief system. Your integrity is never compromised.
- Fun does not have to be a priority, but feeling like your self care is rewarding and meaningful can only contribute to sustainability. Experiencing joy and fun are like icing on the cake!
- If you decide to self care with other people – they build you up, support you, and you enjoy being around them!
PS. Are you looking for a community of like minded folks who put self care first? Consider “Liking” the Soul Ease Massage and Mind Body Therapy Facebook Page or joining our online bookclub!

Melanie A. Wood-Scureman, MA, LMT, PRYT-P, owner and founder of Soul Ease Massage and Mind Body Therapy, is an intuitive mentor and massage therapist with a background in psychology, health, and wellness.